NEW! Instagram for Dentists Update

Anyone Can Now Add Links to Instagram Stories, and It’s Easy!

You no longer have to be verified or have a large following to add a link to your Instagram story!

Previously, Instagram has had strict rules about who is allowed to include a link in a story post. Now anyone can include a link. Yes, anyone!

In the past, users could only include links in stories if they had 10,000 or more followers. That’s why you’d only see businesses or popular influencers telling people to “swipe up for the link!” and everyone else was out of luck.

This is no longer the case! Non-influencers and small businesses like dental practices can now include link stickers in our stories. How do you add a link to your Instagram story? It’s pretty simple.


All you have to do is create a story post, click on the sticker icon in the top navigation bar, select the link “icon”. Add any URL you want to send your followers to, and tap “Done.” Anyone who taps on that sticker in your story will be directed straight to the website link you’ve provided.

To add a Link sticker:

  • Capture or upload content to your story
  • Select the sticker tool from the top navigation bar
  • Tap the “Link” sticker to add your desired link and tap “Done”
  • Place the sticker on your story — like other stickers — and tap on the sticker to see color variations


Instagram for dentists


What to use this new feature for to grow your dental practice:

  • Share links blog posts on your dental website
  • Lead followers to learn more about your team and doctor
  • Direct your followers to fill out a contact form on your site
  • Link followers to a giveaway or contest page

Why is Instagram opening up links in stories for everyone?

Instagram says: “We continue to be inspired by the change-makers on our platform and those who want to turn their passion into a living by sharing links. We recently introduced new ways for creators and businesses to reach more fans, engage their community, and grow their reach, and we aim to further support them with access to links.”

Looking for more help on how to use Instagram to grow your practice? Learn a few Instagram = dos and don’t here!

Dental Reputation Management

dental reputation management

Dental Reputation Management – 3 Tips To Managing Dental Practice Online Reputation

What is online dental reputation management?

Dental practice reputation management is the process of monitoring your online dental practice brand, comments, and opinions of your dental practice on the internet. It’s the overall perception of your practice within your local community.

Because of the easy access to information online, reputation management for dentists is managed chiefly online. To improve your online reputation, focus on these three aspects.

  • Assign a team member to be your reputation activist
  • Subdue reputational crisis issues
  • Use real-time communication to improve reputation

dental reputation management

Decide On A Dental Reputation Management Activist

Implementing strategies that will create a favorable online reputation is the most crucial aspect of managing your dental reputation. Reputation management activities begin with an activist in the practice that has been assigned to the task. This team member’s duties would include acquiring positive reviews from patients; setting up and managing real-time software to communicate with current and potential patients.

The activities of your reputation activist will require time. So, this job mustn’t be something that is on the back burner for the team member. This should be a task that is just as important as answering your phone.

If you’re the owner/doctor of the practice of the office manager, realize that this takes a few hours a week to manage. So, let the team member know that they are expected to manage your practice reputation and have time allocated to perform the tasks.

Once you have your reputation activist assigned, you find that you’ll start receiving much more feedback from your patients. Regardless of whether this feedback is positive or negative, the information will help you make changes to processes and improve the patient experience in the office.

Not only will your new reputation activist gather feedback from patients, but you’ll also see that this position will be a channel for scheduling new patients.

Of all your reputation management team members’ activities, the most critical task is to acquire more Google reviews. This can be done manually or through an automated system. It’s a simple process of asking patients to leave an online review. Your Google review goals should include the following:

  • A minimum of 40 Google reviews
  • A minimum star rating of 4.5
  • A least as many reviews as your main competitors
  • A minimum of 2 new reviews per week

Assign your reputation management activist these review goals. Within a short period, you’ll start noticing more new patient phone calls coming from your improved rankings in Google maps.


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Reputation Management Crises And What To Do

A reputation management crisis is any negative online comment about your practice, the people in your practice, or the dental services that you offer. The most common reputational problem for a dental practice is usually a bad online review. Most unhappy patients will go directly to Google or Facebook to leave a personal recommendation, and these recommendations (reviews) show up in search engines and search results and discourage new patients from calling your office.

A single negative review, a low star rating, or not enough reviews on review sites, are the most common forms of a reputational crisis for a dental practice. Approximately to ¾ of all new potential patients will check out your online reviews before calling to schedule an appointment.

All social surveying has shown that patients trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. So, suppose you have low star reviews, negative comments in reviews, or a low number of reviews. In that case, you’ll end up decreasing the total number of new patient phone calls that your dental practice receives.

To improve your online reputation, you should focus first on acquiring more Google reviews. Google reviews are tied to your Google My Business account, which is the listing for your practice in the Google database. Check out this article to learn more about optimizing your Google maps presence for local dental SEO.

Using Real-Time Communication to Improve Dental Reputation

Today’s patient is not constantly picking up the phone and calling your office. Statistics show that more than 60% of your patients use real-time communication software. Examples of real-time software include Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, texting systems, live chat, and social media to reach out and communicate. These forms of communication are as necessary as your dental practice phone. Imagine running your office without a phone! Suppose you’re not paying attention to real-time communication systems. In that case, it’s kind of like trying to run your practice without a telephone.

Here are a few real-time communication systems that you’ll want your new reputation activist to manage.

Facebook Messenger Will Improve Your Dental Reputation

Facebook Messenger is Facebook’s real-time communication app, and it’s tied directly into your dental practice’s Facebook page. Communicating with your patients through Facebook messenger will inspire trust in your brand. Consumers in the USA were surveyed, and 69% of them say that message a business helps them feel more confident about the brand.

Messenger will help you to acquire new dental patients simply by being available. It also drives awareness through creating meaningful conversations with your dental practice.

Online Reviews and Your Practice Response Time

When a patient leaves a review, your activist should respond to that review within 24 hours. Your practice response time sends a message to Google that you’re concerned about your Google My Business reputation, which impacts your local dental SEO rankings.

Facebook is another online reputation management channel. You should respond to reviews, messages, and comments on the day that the comments come in. This means that your activist needs to be checking this channel throughout the day. We recommend checking in the morning, at lunch, and just before you leave the office.

Add Webchat to Your Website

Webchat is increasingly becoming a way for patients to ask questions and schedule appointments. If you don’t have webchat on your dental website, you should seriously consider adding it. According to multiple studies, live chat on your website will improve website visitor conversions by more than 100%.

For some practices, managing Webchat can be difficult. One of these reasons is because so many potential patients prefer to text rather than call. This creates a problem with staff members who feel like managing the phone is difficult enough for some practices. I’ve spoken to some practices who have removed webchat from their practice website simply because they want to force patients to call instead. It seems counterintuitive to a marketer like myself that a dental practice would try to force consumers to behave in a way that makes their job simple.

If you have team members that don’t want to manage webchat, give another team member the responsibility. If you don’t have web chat on your website, you’re missing out on new patients. A great dental marketing practice will accommodate their patients rather than force patients to contact them how the practice would like.

If you’re a dental practice that simply cannot manage live chat, implement a chatbot. The artificial intelligence behind chatbot software is exponentially improving. If you don’t have a reputation activist on your team and don’t have the time to manage live chat, then a chatbot is your answer.

Make Your Phone Number Textable

89% of your dental patients prefer texting over email and phone calls. All you have to do to give them what they want is make your phone number textable.

Make your practice phone number textable!

Your Practice Solution for Dental Reputation Management

Managing all of these tasks and channels is a big job, and it takes time. But, you’ll find that assigning a reputation activist will increase your dental practice’s overall growth and profitability.

Find New Patients With Help From Dental Marketing Experts?


Download the Dental Reviews Guide

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About the Author: Adrian Lefler is a dental marketing expert and the VP of My Social Practice. My Social Practice is a digital dental marketing company located in Salt lake City, Utah. If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that on our speaking page. Interested in learning more about the benefits of SEO for dental practices or our dental websites service, you can learn more here. Also please read our Google My Business reviews.

The #1 Dentists SEO Jackpot! Google Maps SEO Is A Must

Dentists SEO That Works! Why Google Maps SEO Is So Important

Dentists SEO has changed over the years. It used to be that dentist SEO was a website optimization process. Today it’s far more than just optimizing a website. SEO tactics and strategies change because the search engine algorithms change. Algorithm changes cause ranking changes and when that happens some dentists who rankings go down, feel burned.

I remember this happened a few years ago. One day I had doctors calling in to us asking if we could help them with their dental SEO because the company that they were working with took advantage of them. What actually happened was an industry wide algorithm change by Google. The changes disregarded website links that didn’t have a decent domain authority. Basically what was happening is someone was setting up a brand new website and linking to the dentists site.  The dentists was paying to get an inbound link but the links was coming from a website that isn’t valuable nor related to the industry.

From lost money and lost time to increased stress from working with a not-so-stellar partners, some dentists have just called the whole thing off. But, the answer is not to write dentists SEO off. SEO works and it will help practices grow dramatically. The key is to use the right kind of dentists SEO tactics. Ones that work specifically for small businesses like your dental practice and are not trying to cut corners.

“Stop Doing Website SEO and Start Doing Google Maps SEO.”

I know that that sounds crazy, but hear me out.

SEO strategies are changing because consumer behavior is changing. Potential patients are looking less and less at Google ads and organic rankings and are going to Google maps to find a local dentist. Many studies have shown that rather than going to Chrome, Safari of Firefox on their browsers, they go straight to the Google maps app to find what they’re looking for. And this is even greater on mobile.

All you have to do is think about your own search habits. Do you skip the ads in your search results? Do you open up Google maps or Apple maps to find a local business rather than a browser? If this describes you, then you’re like most of your patients.   dental seo

Why Google Maps SEO works?

Google Maps SEO is different from your traditional dentists SEO services. Google Maps SEO focuses on where potential patients are looking for a local dentist, on the Google map.  Online consumer behavior studies have shown that the Google map gets about 2/3rds of all the search traffic. This means that if your practice isn’t ranking in the top three listings in the Google map, you’re likely not being found by new patients.

“Dental practices that don’t appear on the top results in Google Maps are missing out.”

What To Do First To Improve Your Dentists SEO Rankings?

In order to improve you need to know where you’re already ranking. Rankings on the Google map are fluid, meaning that you can rank well in one neighborhood but not be ranking in the next neighborhood. This is because the ranking algorithm is adjusted to the person searching and where they’re searching from. Competition, density of population, the words used in the search, and how you’ve optimized Google My Business all play into how you rank throughout your community.

To get started use our Google Maps Reporting Tool to find out how well your practice ranks around your area!

How Does Dentists SEO Work For Google Maps?

Let’s say, for example, someone in your area pulls out their cell phone and searches “Dentists near me”. Should your practice show up on the Google map or not? What about when someone used Google to look up a term like “teeth whitening” or “root canal”?

The information that shows up in the Google map does not come from your website, it comes from your Google My Business account. Your GMB account is your business listing in the Google business database. If you want to show up in the map to be found by potential patients, you’ll want to optimize your listings.

A Great Dentists SEO Case Study

Here is a example from Dr. Hancock’s endodontist practice in Raleigh, North Carolina. This first image shows where his practice was ranking on Google Maps in the area.

Each one of the colored nodes is a search from that latitude and longitude. The dentists SEO software that we use tells Google to run a search from that location, as if we were standing their and pulled our cell phones out of our pocket and did the search. Then the software counts down in the Google map until it finds the listing of the practice that we’re doing the research for and puts that number on the colored node. We only count down to 19. At 20 listings deep we stop counting.

His practice is located in the center of the grid. In the top report you can see that he’s only showing up in the top three positions for the keyword ‘root canal’ in four of the nodes. Each node is a half a mile apart from the others. So, really, he’s only showing up a half mile away from his practice. Beyond that when someone searches ‘root canal’ he’s not on the first page.

HH Hancock’s Google results before using My Social Practice’s Google Maps SEO tool:

HH Hancock’s Google results after using My Social Practice’s Google Maps SEO service for 6 months:

dental seo

Wow! That is a big difference. Dr. Hancock has seen more patients, more activity on his website and social media pages, and ultimately more revenue because we optimized his Google My Business account.

He more than doubled his new patient phone calls. Another huge benefit was starting to receive more referral phone calls from dentists who were finding him on the Google map.

Need Dental SEO And Want Some Help?

Dental SEO doesn’t have to be difficult. We have trained and experienced dentists SEO experts ready and waiting to help your practice rank higher in Google maps. Give us the opportunity to wow you.


About the Author: Adrian Lefler is a dental marketing expert and a key member of the dental marketing team at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Adrian is passionate about helping dental practices grow. If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE. Interested in learning more about the benefits of SEO for dentists or our dental SEO service, please schedule a complimentary consultation. And, don’t forget to read our Google My Business reviews.


5 Backed Dentist Internet Marketing Tips To Find New Patients

dentist internet marketing

Dentist Internet Marketing Tips To Find New Patients

If you are not using dentist internet marketing to build your practice and find new dental patients, it’s time to bring your dentist internet marketing strategy up to speed.

Don’t worry if your have not ever done dentist SEO, or if your website is ten years old. You can begin to improve your dental marketing in small simple steps. As long as you’re pointed in the right direction you should not be to worried.

This blog article will cover simple dentist internet marketing strategies that you can begin working on today to get you point4ed in the right direction.

Feel free to watch this recorded training from Blake Hadley the President of My Social Practice. He discusses 5 dentist internet marketing strategies and gives tons of examples to help you out.

Here are 5 ways you can reach new dental patients using the Internet:

1. Your Dental Website Must Convert Visitors into Patients

To have a high-converting website ensure that you have use professional photography and video when necessary. Videos are much more interactive, jeep visitors on your website for longer periods of time and improve engagement and conversions. Plus, it makes your dental website look modern and trustworthy.

One concern with using video specially on your homepage is to make sure that the video is not too large. We suggest that you compress the videos down to the smallest file size and don’t use videos much longer than about 20 seconds. This will keep your file size small enough that you’re homepage will load quickly.

MOBILE OPTIMIZATION: Check the mobile optimization of your website. Mobile optimization is critical as an increasing number of patients are using their mobile phones to search for new dentists in their area. If you’re not sure how to check, you can use our complimentary Website Grader which will show you how fast your website is loading, if there are any errors, as well as whether your site is mobile optimized.

ABOUT US PAGE: Include an “About Us” page that contains photos and bio of your doctors and team. Your future patients want to see who they will be working with. Introducing yourself to your patients before they ever step foot into your practice will get you started off on the right foot.

Make it easy for patients to contact you! In the header of your website, display your contact information in bold lettering. Make it extra easy to find your contact information and give you a call. Include a strong call-to-action like “Give Us A Call Today!” or “Schedule An Appointment Now!” to urge your website visitors to take any action on your site.

2. Dental SEO Will Help Your Practice Be Found Online

There are 3 things we want to focus on when discussing dental SEO. The first is keywords, keywords, keywords. Include key phrases that potential patients will use to find dentists and dental services. For example, “Dentists in Chicago” or “Teeth whitening near Bakersfield”

website seo marketing

Website speed is the second thing you’ll want to check on your dental website. Did you know that if a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, many potential visitors will exit the site? This is the reason that Google is penalizing websites that do not load quickly enough. The penalization that these websites receive is lower search engine rankings. You don’t want to lose new dental patients just because your website takes a few extra seconds to load. There are several things that you can do to speed up your website. Use our Website Grader to see how fast your site loads.

The third thing to keep in mind when aiming for awesome SEO for dentists is to include relevant content on your dental website. Relevant content is things like links to helpful dental resources, sharing content that is relevant to your local area and expertise, and blog helpful blog content.

3. Use Dental Social Media Marketing To Attract New Dental Patients

The most effective dental social media marketing is fun and engaging. Dentists who post fun and interesting photos and videos showcasing their team see big results in engagement and awareness. Potential dental patients care more about how comfortable they feel with your team than they do about the clinical side of your practice. Your dental social media pages are a place to build trust and life-long relationships with existing and new dental patients. This will increase conversions towards scheduled appointments.

Below is a great example from Berrien Dental who posted a fun engagement question about Thanksgiving using social signs. If you’ve never used social signs before please download one of our free packs here.

dental marketing ideas

Run contests in your practice to get great engagement and build strong relationships with your patients. Giving away a prize, even if the prize is as small and simple as a $5 gift card, goes a long way for patients and Facebook fans. Show your patients some love and appreciation by hosting a small giveaway!

social dental

A sure way to reach more patients is to use the “Boost” function on Facebook and Instagram. Putting a small budget behind one of your social media posts will get it in front of the eyes of local users. The targeting inside of the boost function is quite incredible. You have tons of options in terms of who and where your content can be seen.

Share stories about your team and show off that your practice treats people, not teeth. When you get personal, rather than clinical, you’ll find that potential patients are excited to get involved with your practice online. This helps them remember you so when the time comes that they want to schedule you’ll be on their mind.

4. Ask For Online Reviews, Especially Google Reviews

A trick that our dental clients have used again and again to get more online Google reviews is to ask patients to leave a review while they are still in your practice. Once a patient leaves your practice, you become out of sight, out of mind. Unfortunately you’ll not get very many reviews if you suggest doing it after they leave the office.

Make it personal by asking them to help you reach a practice goal you have set for Google reviews. Patients are much more likely to leave you a great review if you make their experience personal. Learn more about how to get more dental reviews in this Google review article.

dental get more google reviews

Make it easy and simple for your patients to leave a great review for your dental practice. My Social Practice has a reviews text and emailing system designed to make leaving reviews a snap. Our Google review service is one aspect of dentist internet marketing and part of our dental reputation management service.

5. Dental Patient-Generated Content

An important part of reaching new dental patients using dentist internet marketing is to have your patients share their experiences with a post. When your patients post about you on their personal profiles, your dental practice reaches their family and friends — people who remember and trust their recommendations. The best way to introduce your dental practice to the people most likely to become new patients is through your existing patients online.

dental online marketing tips

Have a patient grab a Social Sign (Get free Social Signs here!), snap a photo with you, and share it on their page. Make sure the tag your practice so you can share it too!

If you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of dental marketing, but need new dental patients, we are here to help. Request a quick chat to see what My Social Practice’s award-winning social media solution for dental practices makes it easy to attract and retain patients online.


Find Patients Using Dentist Internet Marketing and Help From Experts

About the Author: Adrian Lefler is a dental marketing expert and a key member of the dental marketing team at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Adrian is passionate about helping dental practices grow. If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE. Interested in learning more about the benefits of SEO for dentists or our dental SEO service, please schedule a complimentary consultation. And, don’t forget to read our Google My Business reviews.


Dental Reputation Management Tips: 6 Reasons To Add Dental WebChat To Your Website Today

dental webchat

Today’s patients expect answers to their questions almost immediately. Big brands like Amazon and Apple have created seamless online integrations to improve the overall experience of their customers. You don’t have the budgets of Amazon and Apple, but your patients expect the same type of services and response time with dental webchat.

This is where dental webchat becomes essential. Webchat services are inexpensive while at the same time exponentially improving your practice reputation and dental marketing efforts.

What Is Dental Webchat?

It’s what it sounds like: It’s software that resides on the homepage of your website. It allows patients and potential patients to communicate with your team immediately.

In a study by 99Firms researchers found that 79% of consumers prefer live chat. In comparison, 42% of businesses think that customers prefer the phone. These statistics represent a disparity in perception. Consumers want Webchat, but small businesses don’t believe their clients want it. In our research, we’ve found that this disparity is just as significant in the dental industry.

A study in Inc. revealed that 42% of consumers prefer live chat over other forms of communication. A J.D. Power survey found that 42% of customers prefer live chat compared to only 23% for email and 16% for social media.

Webchat improves your online reputation management efforts.  Emarketer found that 63% of customers were more likely to return to a website that offers live chat.

Online research companies have found that your patients would like to have the option to chat with your team via your website.

Here are six benefits of adding chat to your website.

Dental Webchat Increases Your Team’s Productivity

Real-time chat can dramatically improve customer service. Rather than having a team member speak with one patient at a time on the phone, with Webchat, a team member can manage multiple conversations at once.

Some chat services offer a one-to-one conversation capability. When investigating the Webchat options, make sure that you find a chat system that has the flexibility to manage multiple conversations at once.

One other dental chatbot function that you’ll want to make sure you have is to transfer a chat conversation to another member of the team. For example, suppose you have a patient in the chat that has a technical question that needs to be answered by another team member. In that case, you’ll want the ability to transfer the Webchat to the correct team member.

Dental Webchat Helps You Get An Edge Over Competitors

Response time gives your practice an edge over your competition. If a potential patient emails one of your competitors with a question, studies have shown that the response time to email is around ten hours. If that same patient then chats on your website, you can engage in real-time with the patient, answer their question and build trust. Webchat allows you to schedule an appointment before your competitor checks their email.

If you think that you’re late to the party by adding a chat to your website, you’re wrong. A live chat study of small businesses found that most did not have Webchat on their website. Conservative estimates show that less than 30% of practices have Webchat on their website in the dental industry.

Webchat Helps Convert More New Dental Patients

According to a research article by Forrester, consumers/patients who use live chat are 2.8 times more likely to convert to purchase than patients who don’t use Webchat.

Unfortunately, potential patients come to your website and leave without someone on your team starting a conversation with them. Every website visitor who is not already a current patient is a potential new patient. For those patients who do not want to talk on the phone, a chat widget on your homepage will help convert them to an appointment.

Webchat Helps Build Relationships with Patients

79% of consumers prefer live chat because it offers an immediate response. Studies have shown that consumer satisfaction rates on chat widgets are 92%. Why are these stats so high? In a chat session, your team member can assess the patient’s tone and sentiment, which allows them to adjust their style to fit the patient’s needs.

Your team member has the opportunity to mirror the potential patient’s tone and formality, which helps to build rapport, trust and improve patient satisfaction rates.

Chat Patterns Are Great Insight Into New Marketing Efforts

Once your practice implements Webchat, you’ll notice trends and patterns over time as patients ask similar questions. These patterns will offer valuable insight which can help you to improve your overall marketing strategies.

For example, suppose you receive numerous questions about whether or not you provide a take-home teeth whitening service. In that case, you may want to add a page to your website or a banner on your homepage letting website visitors know what you do or do not provide.

Webchat conversations can be saved and used for training. As you aggregate positive and negative feedback, you’ll be able to use that to improve patients satisfaction

Dental Webchat Improves Dental Patient Experience and Reputation

Chat improves patient experience, which is tied directly to your online dental reputation management. Your dental practice brand improves as you convert a higher percentage of potential patients into scheduled patients.

The main reason patients give positive reviews regarding chat is because of its immediacy. A patient’s ability to connect with one of your team members at the exact moment that they have a question is a benefit that you should take advantage of.

The real-time effect of Webchat can also save your practice from a negative review on a review site. Search engines will display negative reviews. Webchat provides an opportunity to connect with the unhappy patient, build trust, and hopefully reach a reasonable conclusion without being blindsided by a negative review.

Leverage AI and Implement a Chatbot

Chatbots are software that uses artificial intelligence and algorithms to manage chats without a human involved. Chatbots are an ai powered chat solution. In the past few years, the artificial intelligence of chatbots has improved, solving some of the concerns that chatbots were unable to manage the conversation correctly.

You may want to use a dental chatbot because 21% of chats are unanswered, which is staggering. This shows that dental practices are still learning (or unaware) of how vital Webchat can be to their online reputation.

According to ZenDesk almost all chats are received between 7 am and 7 pm. The highest number of chats come between 11 am and 3 pm. If you are a practice that shuts down for lunch, you’ll miss out on potential Webchats. Setting up a chatbot to manage your website during this time is a no-brainer.


When you start investigating the different chat systems, you’ll want to find one that can transition from Webchat to texting on a mobile phone. Patient chats begin online but need to transition to mobile because the patients may have to leave their computer before the chat session is over. In these situations, you’ll want to transition the chat to a texting conversation.

How To Implement Live Chat On Your Dental Website?

If you are ready to add a chat system to your dental office’s website, you should look for the following functionality:

  1. Ability to manage multiple chats at once.
  2. Reassign a chat to a different team member.
  3. Multiple chat widgets for practices with multiple locations.
  4. A chatbot option.
  5. Customization and branding options.
  6. The ability to switch from Webchat to texting.

All of the above functionality is included in the Patient Communication service by My Social practice. Not only do we provide dental services developed for the dental industry, we also provide fantastic support and training.


Find New Patients With Help From Dental Marketing Experts


Download More Dental Practice Post Ideas!

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About the Author: Adrian Lefler is an expert dental marketer and a key member of the dental marketing team at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is a dental marketing company located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Adrian is passionate about helping dental practices grow. If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE. Interested in learning more about the benefits of SEO for dental practices or our dental websites service, you can learn more here. Also please read our Google My Business reviews.


Local Search For Dentists in 2022- Getting To The Top Of Google Maps

Local search for dentists is all about getting to the top of the Google map.

Google is the #1 search engine and controls 90% of all of the search traffic on the internet. Google is the very first place your future patients are going to find a new dentist. Studies show that 97% of people learn more about a local company online than anywhere else. How is your dentist SEO stacking up against the competition?

The question you need to ask yourself is simple. If your practice’s Google listing doesn’t show up in the top results when someone in your area searches for a new dentist, you are missing out on new patients. 92% of all people searching trust the top results and do not go to the second page of SERP’s (Search Engine Results Pages).

With a little bit of Dental SEO help, your practice will be exposed to more people and ultimately bring in more revenue for your practice.

local search for dentists

There is a good chance your practice is dropping the ball on attracting new patients by not utilizing all of the tools available on your Google My Business profile. There are many features to Google My Business and to improving your practice’s Google Maps SEO but don’t let the complexity deter you, My Social Practice is here to help!

This article will simplify your understanding of Google My Business, and explain why great Google Maps SEO is imperative to fill your schedule.

What is Google My Business?

Most of you have used Google and you’ve seen Google My Business listing, but you may not have known what they were. Google My Business is an online profile for your dental practice that lives right on Google’s map platform. Your Google listing is searchable and contains your practice name, address, phone number and other pertinent information. Think of it as a mini dental website hosted by Google itself.

The huge benefit to ranking well in Google maps is that studies have shown that a large portion of consumers call from the maps results. Many don’t even go to your website before calling.

Your listing includes a summary of your practice with information like,

  • Your practice phone number
  • Your address
  • Your practice hours
  • Patient reviews
  • Photos and videos
  • Links to your website

local seo for dentists

When you perform local search for dentists  your GMB profile should be one of the first places that you begin. You’ll want to make sure that it is set up correctly. Once your listing is set up and begin optimization you’ll start seeing more new patient phone calls.

For a in depth look at Google My Business and how to do local search for dentists, watch this recorded webinar.


Why Is Local Search For Dentists So Important?

Why should you take time out of your already busy schedule to make sure your Google My Business profile is set up correctly and optimized? The answer? Local-Search-Results for keywords that are ‘discovery searches.’

A discovery search is a phrase that a potential patient will use when they are looking for a new dentist. Phrases like, ‘best dentist in town’ and ‘dentists that do cosmetics’. These are phrases where the searcher is attempting to ‘discover’ a new dentist.

The other type of search phrase is called ‘direct search’. Direct search is when a patient searches your practice name or your personal name. You don’t need much local search for dentists with direct searches because Google is good enough to find you and present the results.

You may have notices this but direct searches don’t provide a Google map. There really isn’t much you can do for direct searches in terms of optimization.

Back to the goal: We want to be found by patients who don’t already know who we are. This is why local search for dentists is so vitally important to practice growth.

local search for dentist

In the example above the dentist is in Eagle Mountain, Utah and someone is searching a discovery phrase “dental practice in Eagle Mountain.”

How did this particular practice show up on the top results? This is what local search for dentists will do. The optimization strategies will send signals to Google that your dental practice listing is the best choice for potential patients in your town or city.

By having great local SEO for dentists you essentially increase the relevance of your Google maps listing.This will increase your online presence by a landslide.

In several dental local search marketing case studies we’ve found that not only do dental practices start ranking higher in the Google map, but they also see an increase in their rankings in the website results. Website results are listed below the Google map.

What Should You Do First?

See how your practice is ranking by running a complimentary Google maps report.

local seo for dentist

Google wants businesses to optimize their listings to showcase your practice culture and your excellent online reputation. Ranking well in Google Maps search virtually guarantees you new patients. Optimizing your Google My Business profile takes consistent work, and a bit of expertise in the SEO business.

You’re a dentist, not an SEO specialist. That’s where My Social Practice steps in. We have created a Google Maps SEO service designed specially for dentists. Appear in the top Google results by getting help from a trained SEO expert.

dental seo

The fact is, your potential patients are not choosing a dentist based solely on recommendations from friends and family anymore. People are going to Google to find a trustworthy dentist that meets their needs. It’s a bit like your online reputation is the new word of mouth dental marketing

You can be sure if your practice shows up in local search and has great reviews, patients will calling your practice right from Google maps. We’ve seen it a hundred times!

Local Search For Dentists — What We Do To Help

The heartier your online presence is, the better your profile will do against your competitors when it comes to showing up in search results. My Social Practice will improve your dental SEO and online visibility by targeting your local audience, ensuring keywords appear in the right places on your profiles and website, updating and improving content for increased relevancy, streamlining your profile on all search engines and databases with correct, matching information, moreover ultimately giving you a customized, tailored service intended to draw in patients.


About the Author: Adrian Lefler is a dental marketing expert and a key member of the dental marketing team at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Adrian is passionate about helping dental practices grow. If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE. Interested in learning more about the benefits of dentist SEO or our dental SEO service, please schedule a complimentary consultation. And, don’t forget to read our Google reviews.



Simple Dentist Search Engine Optimization Tips for 2022

dentist search engine optimization

Dentist search engine optimization is more important than ever to doctors looking to grow their practices in 2022.

Search is a big deal now-a-days. If your dental practice doesn’t show up in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) when a potential patient searches a keyword like,  “dentist near me” or “dental practice in [City Name]” you will be missing out on new patients.

With 97% of people using search engines to find information about local businesses, your practice cannot afford to not show up in the top results.

More calls with the help of dentist search engine optimization

“Near me” Google searches have doubled in the past year? For dentist search engine optimization, this means that more potential patients than ever are using Google maps to find a new dental home in their area.

What are “Near me?” searches? this kind of search is when someone pulls out their mobile device or computer and searches for goods or services near their current location. For example, “new tires near me”, “how to get flowers near me” or “ice cream near me”. Google pulls up the business locations more relevant to the search to appear for the user.

“Near me” searches are vital to your practice because patients are looking for a dentist close to their home for convenient appointments. 50% of local searches on mobile lead visitors to a store within one day. For your practice, this means people are ready to schedule appointments the very same day they discover your practice in Google maps.

Dentist Search Engine Optimization, Where To Start?

The first goal of dentist search engine optimization is start showing up in the Google map. This is the most likely place for a potential patient to go when looking for a new local dentist. This type of dentist search engine optimization is called local SEO, because the results in the map are ‘localized’. Only businesses that have a local physical address can show up in the Google map.

The first order of business is to claim and verify your Google My Business account. This is your dental practice’s business listing in the Google business database.

The second step is to begin performing dentist SEO by optimizing the listing.  You’ll want to fill out as much of the information as possible in the listing. Most importantly you’ll want to make sure that your primary category is correct. Next make sure to update the dental services, and begin to post content to your Google My Business profile.

There are quite a few things that you can do for dentist search engine optimization, so we recently hosted a webinar on how to do it. Please take the time to watch because it’ll give you step by step instructions on how to begin.

Which Of Your Competitors Is Outranking You In Google Maps?

We have a pretty cool dentist search engine optimization tool that you’ll want to check out. Get a free Google maps analysis which will show you where your dental practice ranks on Google Maps today. This will be super interesting to see who is outranking you in your own town, even down to specific neighborhoods.

Once you’ve run the report you’ll be able to see where you’re ranking on the first page of Google maps and where you’re not. This is really helpful when optimizing your Google My Business listing. There is a section in your listing that allows you to add up to twenty areas that you serve. Once you’ve run the report you’ll see which areas need some help and you can add those to your listing information.

One Last Dentist Search Engine Optimization Tip

Make sure to add “call” button on your Google My Business profile. The more available that you make your practice to a quick click to call the more likely it’ll be to get new patient phone calls.

Need Dentist Search Engine Optimization But Have No Time!

Dentist search engine optimization can feel complicated and many dentists find it tough to balance the dental marketing tasks with clinical care and everything that goes into having a successful practice. Dentists search engine optimization is also an ongoing effort. It’s not a one and done tactic. You always need to be optimizing, mostly because your competitors are optimizing. This makes it difficult for dentists to allocate the time needed. It might be complicated, but don’t let that stop you!

Here at My Social Practice we have a team of dentist search engine optimization gurus that will plan and execute a fantastic optimization campaign on your behalf. We would love the opportunity to help.


About the Author: Adrian Lefler is a dental marketing expert and a key member of the dental marketing team at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Adrian is passionate about helping dental practices grow. If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE. Interested in learning more about the benefits of SEO for dentists or our dental SEO service, please schedule a complimentary consultation. And, don’t forget to read our Google My Business reviews.


Simple Guide To Dental Local Search Marketing Services

dental local search marketing services

Dental local search marketing services are more important than ever to dental practices looking to grow their practice.

If your dental practice doesn’t show up in Google when a potential patient is searching “dentist near me” or “dental practice in [City Name]” you will be missing out on new patient phone calls. With 97% of people using the Internet and local search to find information about local businesses, your practice cannot afford to not show up in the top results.

If your practice is not utilizing dental local search marketing services, you may want to reconsider. It’s simple. If your dental practice’s Google My Business profile does not appear when someone searches for a dentist in your local area, you are losing business.

Potential patients trust the top results of whichever search engine they are using. Your potential patients are not likely to scroll down very far to see search results.

How can you optimize for local dental SEO?

First, by having fantastic Google Maps SEO. Your Google My Business profile should be up-to-date and optimized. Start optimizing by claiming your Google My Business listing, updating your ‘primary categories, update the dental services you provide on your profile, post content to your Google My Business profile, and keep updated photos on your profile. Dental local search marketing services like those at My Social Practice will ensure your profile is always on the top of its game.

dental websites

With some help from an SEO expert, your Google My Business profile will appear in search and your practice will be displayed to more patients and undoubtedly bring in new business for your practice.

Google My Business can feel complicated and many dentists find it tough to balance dental marketing with clinical care and everything that goes into having a successful practice. It might be complicated, but don’t let that stop you! Use dental local search marketing services from the experts at My Social Practice. We are here to help.

Get a free analysis of where your dental practice ranks of Google Maps today. The Google Map ranking algorithm gives people different search results depending on the city, town, and even down to neighborhoods.

Use our Google Maps Reporting Tool to find out how well your practice ranks around your area.

If your dental practice’s Google My Business (GMB) profile is set up accurately, your dental practice will appear on local search results including on Google Maps. Having an awesome dental Google My Business profile is a huge benefit to getting help with your dental local search marketing services. Why? Because when your dental practice is found easily on Google Maps your practice is more likely to turn user’s searches online into real, life-long patients.

However, turning users into patients means ensuring that your profile includes correct information to help patients, strong calls to action, and consistent photos and videos. You’ll also need a steady stream of content to keep up with your local competition.

88% of searches for local businesses on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours.

More calls with the help of dental local search marketing services

Did you know that “Near me” Google searches have doubled in the past year? For dental local search marketing services, this means that more people than ever are using search to find businesses in their area.

What are “Near me?” searches? this kind of search is when someone pulls out their mobile device or computer and searches for goods or services near their current location. For example, “new tires near me”, “how to get flowers near me” or “ice cream near me”. Google pulls up the business locations more relevant to the search to appear for the user.

“Near me” searches are vital to your practice because patients are looking for a dentist close to their home or work for convenient appointments. Not to mention, when users search using “near me” they are ready to get started.

50% of local searches on mobile lead visitors to a store within one day. For your practice, this means people are ready to schedule appointments the very same day they discover your practice online.

How to add “call” button on your Google My Business profile.

The more robust your online presence is, the better your GMB profile will do against other dentists in your area when it comes to showing up in Google search results. My Social Practice will enhance your dental SEO and online visibility by targeting your local audience, updating and improving content for increased relevancy, and ensuring keywords appear in the right places on your profiles.

Plus we’ll ensure your dental website has all the right information, streamlining your profile on all search engines and databases with that correct information, and giving you the tailored service you need to attract and retain new dental patients. We make sure that you are always optimized for mobile searches and local SEO.

Listen to the Founder and President of My Social Practice, Blake Hadley talk about the importance of Google My Business and dental SEO in the video below!

Search engine optimization for dentists can sound overwhelming. With everything that you’ve got to stay on top of as a bust dental professional, digital marketing can be too much to handle. Have your SEO services done right and see a high-ranking website with the best SEO strategies there are. When it comes to digital and Internet marketing for dentists, no one knows more than My Social Practice.


Find New Patients With Help From Dental Marketing Experts?

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About the Author: Natalie Marinos is an expert dental marketer and a key member of the dental marketing team at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is a dental marketing company located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Natalie is passionate about helping dental practices grow. If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE. Interested in learning more about the benefits of SEO for dental practices or our dental websites service, you can learn more here. Also please read our Google My Business reviews.


[Webinar Recording] How Patients Find & Choose You? 

The Secrets of Google My Business and Google Reviews


Recently Blake Hadley the President of My Social Practice was invited to host a dental marketing webinar for Nexhealth that focused on how to find new patients and grow your dental practice.

Nexhealth is a company that has partnered with My Social Practice. Nexhealth offers an amazing set of software tools that integrate EHR platforms, real-time scheduling, patient communications, digital forms and more.

We were excited to spend time with Nexhealth and share this dental SEO training. It focuses on how to optimize your Google maps listing.

What You’ll Learn In This Webinar Recording

  • What is Google My Business and why is everyone talking about it?
  • Is your practice GMB listing essential to practice growth?
  • Why are my competitors ranking above me in Google maps?
  • Can you optimize your GMB listing to outrank my competition?
  • A clear explanation of how your practice ranks in the Google map.
  • Easy tips to increase your new patient phone calls?
  • Simple ways to generate more Google reviews?
  • How can your dental practice be the practice of choice in your city/town?

Additional Dental SEO Resources


If you’re looking to increase your new patient phone calls through dental SEO and Google maps optimization; here are some additional resources to help you out.

Find New Patients With Help From Dental Social Media Experts

About the Author: Blake Hadley is an expert dental marketer and the President of My Social Practice. My Social Practice is a dental marketing company located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Read our Google My Business reviews. Blake is passionate about helping dental practices grow.

If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE.

Interested in learning more about the benefits of dental SEO, dental websites, and dental social media? We’d be honored to help.

7 Ways To Grow Your Practice Using Text Messaging

dental text messaging

<a/id= #practice>Regardless of the type of dental practice you run, one of the most challenging aspects of practice growth is how to generate leads. Consistently finding new patients to keep your new patient funnel filled is not an easy task. To develop your new patient lead funnel, you must first understand the most effective digital marketing strategies, including dental text messaging. No one in your practice has time to waste on ineffective dental marketing tasks.

Of all the digital dental marketing efforts that help generate new patients, where should you begin? Should you be trying to rank higher in the search engines through dental SEO? Should you invest time in creating new content and posting to your dental social media accounts? What about hiring a new website developer to build you a new dental website, and how much time is to be spent on dental reputation management? These dental marketing efforts are essential and will help fill your new patient funnel.

One area that most dentists forget about is the benefits of using text messaging. After implementing your marketing campaign and increasing your new patient leads, you should ask yourself how to convert that potential patient into a scheduled patient.

Don’t overlook the countless advantages of utilizing text messaging.

Texting is one of the best ways to help convert and move a potential patient along the path to scheduling. Text messaging open rates are close to 98% making it the optimal way to contact a lead. “No way! Email is better!” O contraire mon frere. Email open rates in the dental industry are way below open rates for texting, way down between 20%-30%. Because texting has such a high open rate, it should be a vital part of your conversion strategy.

In this article, we’ll discuss 7 ways to grow your dental practice using texting.

Convert Your Practice Phone To A Textable Number

Over 50% of your website visitors are searching on their mobile phones. Making your practice phone number textable allows them to communicate with you by simply touching your number on their device. Textable phone numbers allow your patients to call or text.

Most dental practice team members would prefer to have patients call the office. Still, you always want to make communication easier, not more difficult. If your potential patients want to text your office rather than call, you’d better give them that option. And by offering them a communication option that they prefer, they’re more likely to remember you.

If you’re not familiar with converting your practice phone number to a text-able number, please take advantage of our Dental Webchat & Texting service. It’s a super simple way to convert your number to a textable number.

Add A Webchat/Texting Widget to Your Website

In a recent survey, 41% of consumers reported that they prefer Live-chat and Webchat to any other support channel. Really? Yeah, really! Studies have shown that 82% of consumers are satisfied with Webchat. With this type of adoption for Webchat, you’d think that most dental practices would have added it to their site. But that is not the case. Studies have shown that less than 9% of businesses have Webchat on their website.

Suppose a patient has a question about your dental services. That patient will likely go to your website and open up your webchat widget to quickly ask their question. If your website doesn’t have Webchat, some potential patients will go to a competitor who does use Webchat. 

Before you add Web chat to your website, you should be aware of one issue. If you add Web chat to your website, you’ll start getting lots of chats. 60% of consumers expect an immediate response with Web chat. If you don’t manage those chats in real-time and efficiently, you’ll be ruining your online reputation. So, make sure that you have a team member assigned to respond to chats as they come in.

Secondly, you’ll want to ensure that your Webchat widget can convert the conversation to a texting platform. If the patient needs to leave their desktop computer, you’ll want to keep the conversation going and not lose the prospect. There is a relatively high percentage of Webchats lost because consumers have to log off a desktop.

The easy way to solve the problem and not lose the potential scheduled patient is to have a Web chat widget that switches to a text conversation.

Improve Reputation Management with Texting

The best way to improve your online dental reputation is with more reviews on Google and Facebook. And, the only way to effectively acquire more reviews is to ask for them.

The biggest problem for patients to review your office isn’t that they don’t want to; it’s that most don’t know-how. You can use texting to solve this reputation problem. A text can be sent from an employee to the patient with a link that goes directly to the account online where you’d like to receive your review. That could be Google or Facebook, or any other directory that accepts reviews.

With all of your team members’ tasks, asking for a Google or Facebook review is sometimes tricky. There is an even more straightforward way to get reviews, automation.

Most patient management systems can connect to texting platforms. When your patient shows up for their appointment, a text can be sent automatically asking for a review.

So, there are a couple of ways that texting can help build your online dental reputation. If you have questions about how this process works, please feel free to look at our dental reputation management page.

Improve Patient Sentient With Texting

Before selecting a dentist, most patients conduct online research. Patients who make a dental visit are more likely to conduct at least three times the number of searches as those who do not book an appointment.

In addition to a patient doing more research nowadays, they prefer to have a texting option, rather than being forced to call to answer their question. 50% of consumers prefer to use real-time chat rather than other forms of communication. And 97% of consumers are satisfied with their web chat experience.

Texting allows your practice to be contacted in the way that your patients want to connect. Allowing answers to quick questions without clogging up your phone line can save dozens of hours per month in team members’ time.

Texting is a way to connect with your patients to make them feel most comfortable, which improves sentience and the overall patient experience with your dental practice.

Make and Confirm Appointments Through Texting

Every dental practice should use landline text messaging to fit their scheduling needs. For practices that need to schedule, text messaging can improve communication and scheduling speed. Patients can quickly book an appointment by sending a text message to your landline number.

A few of the benefits reported by dentists that use texting to schedule appointments are:

  • The team spends less time on the phone.
  • Less time on the telephone = less labor costs.
  • Texting avoids disruptions.
  • Cancellations are made, rather than forgotten
  • No more no shows
  • Know who isn’t coming ahead of time

There are several services in the dental industry that offer appointment scheduling through text, and most of them are fantastic. Leveraging texting with making and confirming appointments will save time and also keep your schedule full.

Improve Patient Relationships with Texting

Patients won’t remember what you did for them, but they will remember how you made them feel.

Focus on strengthening your patient relationships; this is one of the best ways to ensure repeat business and customer loyalty. Fortunately, you can use Webchat and texting to help strengthen those relationships and stay in contact.

Email and SMS reminders help create consistency and reliable customer service to your clients while requiring little manual work from you!

The Bottom Line

Text messaging for dentists is crucial for patients and patient retention. It helps patients receive and respond to messages from the dentists quickly. It also helps maintain regular contact and allows essential info to be disseminated at once while keeping costs at a minimum.

Find New Patients With Help From Dental Social Media Experts?


Download the Dental Reviews Guide

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About the Author: Natalie Marinos is an expert dental marketer and a key member of the dental marketing team at My Social Practice. My Social Practice is a dental marketing company located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Natalie is passionate about helping dental practices grow. If you’d like to book one of the members of My Social Practice’s speaking team, you can do that HERE. Interested in learning more about the benefits of dental SEO, dental websites, and dental social media, you can learn more here.

Read our Google My Business reviews.